📄️ Building FACEIT Apps
We took all our tools, data and APIs being used internally at FACEIT and we made them available to developers to create new apps, to enrich existing websites or even to develop new services. Everything you see on our main website, faceit.com, any small piece of information, from player’s data to team, competitions, statistics, etc. you can now get access in real time and use it to create new eSports and Competitive Gaming solutions.
📄️ App Permissions
|| #owner | #admin | #watcher |
📄️ Retrieving FACEIT Data
We made FACEIT data available through the FACEIT Data API. This means that all data from players, teams, competitions, organisers, statistics etc. are available as standard REST-ful resources with JSON data format.
📄️ Event Notifications
We offer the possibility to app developers to receive real-time notifications for events happening on the FACEIT platform.
📄️ Chat Bots
We made available a new set of API, namely the Chat API, to allow developers to create apps that interact with other users through chat messages.
📄️ Using Web Widgets
Developing is fun, but certain times you want a simple way to embed FACEIT data into a website or blog without complexity.
📄️ Download API
Downloadable content on FACEIT’s Cloud infrastructure is private by default and can only be accessed with a signed URL. The Downloads API takes a Cloud file resource URL as a parameter and returns a signed URL for the file. Resource URLs to these downloadable content are included in the Data API responses when available, such as the game demo file URLs that can be found in the Matches endpoint responses. Subscribe to the "Match Demo Ready" webhook to get updates when a demo is uploaded in the cloud storage. Find more details here https://docs.faceit.com/getting-started/Guides/event-notifications